Choosing The Best Nest for Your Finches

We love taking care of our pet finches. They're so cute and entertaining. In this blog, we are going to break it down for you step by step on what to look for when choosing a nest and why some nests might not be the best option for your birds.

Best Finch Nest
Photo by Dušan veverkolog / Unsplash

Finches can bring life to any home with their melodious chirping and colorful feathers. If you've decided to take these beautiful birds into your homes as pets, then you need to focus on giving them the best possible environment to thrive. One of the crucial elements of a good environment is a safe and comfortable nest for your finches. The right nest will provide your feathered friends with the security, warmth, and privacy they need during the breeding season. In this blog post, we will explore some of the factors you need to consider when choosing nests for your finches.

Types of Nests

When it comes to finches, there are two main types of nests available: natural and artificial. Natural nests are made from natural fibers like straw, feathers, grasses, and moss. These nests provide more insulation and are more aesthetically pleasing than their artificial counterparts. However, they may not be as durable as some artificial options. Artificial nests can be made from a variety of materials including plastic, bamboo, wood chips, and foam rubber. While some artificial nests may not look as nice as a natural nest, they can provide additional protection from predators while also being easier to clean and maintain over time.

Nest Size

The size of the nest is also an important consideration when choosing one for your finches. If the nest is too small or cramped, it could lead to overcrowding which could result in improper hygiene or even injury due to pecking between birds. On the other hand, if the nest is too large then it could become drafty and uncomfortable for your birds in colder weather months. The basic finch nest is round, concave and relatively small compared to the nests of larger types of birds. For most species of finch a nest size of about 4-5 inches wide should work perfectly fine!

Safety Features

Finally, it’s important to look at any safety features that come with the nest you choose. Many bird cages feature safety bars which prevent young chicks from falling out of the nest before they’ve grown enough feathers to fly away safely on their own. It’s also important to make sure that any materials used in the construction of the nest are non-toxic so that no harm will come to your feathered friends should they ingest them by accident!

Finding the right nest for your finches doesn’t have to be difficult but it does require careful consideration when it comes to size and safety features so that you can ensure a safe environment where your birds can thrive! Natural or artificial nesting material can both be great options depending on what type of habitat you want to create - just make sure that whatever nesting material you choose is non-toxic and provides enough room so that overcrowding won't be an issue! With these tips in mind you'll be sure to find just the right home for your feathered family in no time!

Size and Shape

The size of the nest needs to accommodate the size of your finches. The common rule of thumb is that the nest should be big enough for the bird to turn around easily, but not so big that the eggs roll around. If you have two finches, it's recommended that you provide them with two separate nests. The shape of the nest is also important, round nests can get expensive. If you're handy, you can create nests out of coconut shells or use wooden nest boxes. Remember to avoid any sharp edges inside the nest to prevent injury to your finches.


Natural materials are the best for nest building, such as grass, coconut fiber, feathers, cotton, and moss. Artificial materials such as plastic are not advisable as they can be hazardous to the health of the finches. These artificial materials can contain chemicals and dyes that can harm the finches and their chicks.


When placing the nest, make sure it's easily accessible. Your finches should be able to reach it easily to move in and out of it comfortably. Likewise, it should be easily accessible for you to clean it out as necessary.


The location of the nest is equally important, as finches prefer a peaceful and quiet location. A secluded area of the cage away from the water and food dispensers is the ideal location to provide the coy and privacy required for your finches to comfortably raise their family.


Nests can get quite dirty during the breeding season, keep on top of daily cleaning to ensure bacteria doesn't accumulate. Use hot water to ensure the nest and other items that come in contact with the nest are sterilized. Regular cleaning will make sure your finches stay healthy and happy.

Finch Nest FAQs

How many eggs do finches lay?

Finches typically lay 4-6 eggs in a clutch, but this can vary depending on the species and individual finch. Some finches may lay more or less than this range.

How often do finches lay eggs?

The frequency of egg laying also varies among different finch species. Some may lay eggs every other day while others may take longer intervals between clutches. It's important to research the specific breeding patterns of your particular type of finch to properly care for them during the breeding season.

How long does it take for finch eggs to hatch?

On average, finch eggs will hatch within 12-16 days after being laid. Again, this time frame may differ based on the specific species and environmental conditions of the nest. It's important to provide a warm and stable environment for the eggs during this time period.

How long do baby finches stay in the nest?

Baby finches, also known as chicks, will typically stay in the nest for 2-3 weeks after hatching. During this time, they are completely dependent on their parents for food and care. After leaving the nest, they may continue to be fed by their parents for another week or so until they are fully independent.

Will finches lay eggs without a nest?

While it is possible for finches to lay eggs without a nest, it is not recommended. A proper nest provides warmth and protection for the eggs, as well as a comfortable environment for the parents to care for their young. Without a nest, the eggs may be more susceptible to damage or neglect.

How can I encourage my finches to build a nest?

Providing materials such as twigs, grass, feathers, and other soft fibers can encourage your finches to build a nest. It's also important to provide enough space and privacy for them to feel comfortable nesting. Make sure the cage is in a quiet area away from other pets or disturbances.

What is the lifespan of a finch?

The lifespan of a finch varies depending on the species, but on average they can live anywhere from 5 to 10 years. With proper care and a healthy environment, some finches may even live up to 15 years. It's important to do research on the specific species of your finch to understand their lifespan and needs.

How can you tell if a finch egg is fertile?

There are a few ways to determine if a finch egg is fertile. One method is using a process called candling, where a bright light is held behind the egg to see if there is any development inside. Another way is by carefully examining the color and texture of the egg - fertile eggs tend to have a slightly pink or yellow hue and feel slightly warmer than infertile eggs.

Do male finches help with nesting?

Yes, male finches play an important role in the nesting process. They will often collect materials for the nest and help build it alongside the female. When it comes to incubating the eggs, both parents take turns sitting on them to keep them warm until they hatch. After hatching, both parents also have a role in feeding and caring for the hatchlings.

Do all female finches lay eggs?

This varies depending on the species, but typically yes, all female finches will lay eggs at some point. However, there are certain circumstances that may prevent a female finch from laying eggs such as stress or illness. It's important to monitor your finches and seek veterinary care if you notice any changes in their behavior or health. Providing a safe and comfortable environment can also help encourage egg laying for those who are experiencing delays. Overall, it's crucial to understand the natural behaviors of your specific finch species and provide proper care for them to thrive.

What is the Best Seed for wild House Finches?

The best seed for wild house finches is a mix of small seeds, including millet, safflower, and sunflower seeds. These types of seeds provide the necessary nutrients for finches to maintain a healthy diet. Unlike many other birds who switch their eating habits in spring and summer, Finches are vegetarians all year. House Finches feed their nestlings exclusively plant foods, a fairly rare occurrence in the bird world. Additionally, offering a variety of seeds can attract different species of birds to your backyard feeder. It's important to avoid large or whole seeds as these can be difficult for finches to crack open and consume. Providing fresh, quality seeds will also ensure that your feathered friends are getting the most out of their meals. Their diet consists of seeds, fruit, buds, and weed seeds Overall, it's recommended to offer a diverse selection of small seeds in order to cater to the dietary needs of wild house finches.

Picture of house finch nest

Picture of house finch eggs

Picture of female house finch

Picture of male house finch

Finches nest in a variety of deciduous and coniferous trees as well as on cactus and rock ledges. They also nest in or on buildings, using sites like vents, ledges, street lamps, ivy, and hanging planters.

How do house finches build their nests?

House finches typically build their nests using a variety of materials such as twigs, grasses, leaves, feathers, and hair. Nesting season is from March to August. Nesting material consists of Grass stems, leaves, rootlets, thin twigs, other fine plant material, feathers, string, and wool.  House finches make nests in a range of places, including woodpecker holes, hanging plants, door wreaths , and sometimes birdhouses. If they have previous nest sites, they are likely to reuse one of them. The female finch is responsible for constructing the nest while the male gathers materials and occasionally helps with building. Occasionally House Finches use the abandoned nests of other birds. It's important to provide natural nesting materials in your backyard, such as dried grasses and small twigs, to help attract house finches to your feeder and encourage nest building behavior. Additionally, offering nesting boxes or platforms can also be beneficial for attracting these birds to your backyard. Once the nest is built, the female will lay 2-6 eggs which she will incubate for about two weeks before they hatch.

What are the best bird feeders for finches?

Finches, specifically house finches, are known for their small size and delicate beaks. Therefore, it's important to choose the appropriate bird feeder for them. Tube feeders with small perches or mesh feeders are ideal for finches as they can easily access the seeds without struggling. Additionally, offering a tray feeder with shallow edges can provide a comfortable feeding experience for these birds. It's also important to regularly clean and refill your bird feeders to ensure that your feathered friends have access to fresh food. Overall, choosing the right bird feeder can greatly enhance the feeding experience for finches and attract them to your backyard regularly.

At the end...

Choosing the right nest for your finches may seem daunting at first, but following the correct guidelines will ensure you provide your feathered pets with the best possible home to thrive in. Always bear in mind that the right nest size and shape, materials, accessibility, location, and cleanliness are crucial to the health and happiness of your finches. With a comfortable nest, your finches will enjoy their breeding season, and you'll have peace of mind that your feathered friends are happy and healthy.

If you're looking for the best nest to house your finches, your search is over! There is no need to scout around any longer. With just a click of a button below, you can get all the information you need on the top rated nests for finches. A safe, comfortable nesting site is essential for vibrant and healthy finches and you can find one today by following our link. Click the link below now –we guarantee you'll be glad you did!